This introduces the '-a' option in ts2phc, an option inspired from phc2sys that puts the clocks in "automatic" mode. In this mode, ts2phc listens, as a PMC, to port state change events from ptp4l, and detects which port state machine, if any, has transitioned to PS_SLAVE. That port's clock will become the synchronization master for the hierarchy described by ts2phc. The use case is a multi-switch DSA setup with boundary_clock_jbod, where there is only one grandmaster, connected to one switch's port. The other switches, connected together through a PPS signal, must adapt themselves to this new source of time, while the switch connected to the GM must not be synchronized by ts2phc because it is already synchronized by ptp4l. Signed-off-by: Vladimir Oltean <>
112 lines
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112 lines
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# Copyright (C) 2011 Richard Cochran <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
VER = -DVER=$(version)
CFLAGS = -Wall $(VER) $(incdefs) $(DEBUG) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS)
LDLIBS = -lm -lrt -pthread $(EXTRA_LDFLAGS)
PRG = ptp4l hwstamp_ctl nsm phc2sys phc_ctl pmc timemaster ts2phc
FILTERS = filter.o mave.o mmedian.o
SERVOS = linreg.o ntpshm.o nullf.o pi.o servo.o
TRANSP = raw.o transport.o udp.o udp6.o uds.o
TS2PHC = ts2phc.o lstab.o nmea.o serial.o sock.o ts2phc_generic_master.o \
ts2phc_master.o ts2phc_phc_master.o ts2phc_nmea_master.o ts2phc_slave.o \
pmc_common.o transport.o msg.o tlv.o uds.o udp.o udp6.o raw.o
OBJ = bmc.o clock.o clockadj.o clockcheck.o config.o designated_fsm.o \
e2e_tc.o fault.o $(FILTERS) fsm.o hash.o interface.o monitor.o msg.o phc.o \
port.o port_signaling.o pqueue.o print.o ptp4l.o p2p_tc.o rtnl.o $(SERVOS) \
sk.o stats.o tc.o $(TRANSP) telecom.o tlv.o tsproc.o unicast_client.o \
unicast_fsm.o unicast_service.o util.o version.o
OBJECTS = $(OBJ) hwstamp_ctl.o nsm.o phc2sys.o phc_ctl.o pmc.o pmc_common.o \
sysoff.o timemaster.o $(TS2PHC)
SRC = $(OBJECTS:.o=.c)
srcdir := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
incdefs := $(shell $(srcdir)/
version := $(shell $(srcdir)/ $(srcdir))
VPATH = $(srcdir)
prefix = /usr/local
sbindir = $(prefix)/sbin
mandir = $(prefix)/man
man8dir = $(mandir)/man8
all: $(PRG)
ptp4l: $(OBJ)
nsm: config.o $(FILTERS) hash.o interface.o msg.o nsm.o phc.o print.o \
rtnl.o sk.o $(TRANSP) tlv.o tsproc.o util.o version.o
pmc: config.o hash.o interface.o msg.o phc.o pmc.o pmc_common.o print.o sk.o \
tlv.o $(TRANSP) util.o version.o
phc2sys: clockadj.o clockcheck.o config.o hash.o interface.o msg.o \
phc.o phc2sys.o pmc_common.o print.o $(SERVOS) sk.o stats.o \
sysoff.o tlv.o $(TRANSP) util.o version.o
hwstamp_ctl: hwstamp_ctl.o version.o
phc_ctl: phc_ctl.o phc.o sk.o util.o clockadj.o sysoff.o print.o version.o
timemaster: phc.o print.o rtnl.o sk.o timemaster.o util.o version.o
ts2phc: config.o clockadj.o hash.o interface.o phc.o print.o $(SERVOS) sk.o \
$(TS2PHC) util.o version.o
version.o: .version $(filter-out version.d,$(DEPEND))
.version: force
@echo $(version) >; \
cmp -s .version || cp .version; \
rm -f;
install: $(PRG)
install -p -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir) $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir)
install $(PRG) $(DESTDIR)$(sbindir)
for x in $(PRG:%=%.8); do \
[ -f $$x ] && install -p -m 644 -t $(DESTDIR)$(man8dir) $$x ; \
rm -f $(OBJECTS) $(DEPEND) $(PRG)
distclean: clean
rm -f .version
# Implicit rule to generate a C source file's dependencies.
%.d: %.c
@echo DEPEND $<; \
rm -f $@; \
$(CC) -MM $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \
sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \
rm -f $@.$$$$
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean)
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), distclean)
-include $(DEPEND)
.PHONY: all force clean distclean