.TH PMC 8 "October 2013" "linuxptp" .SH NAME pmc \- PTP management client .SH SYNOPSIS .B pmc [ .B \-2 | .B \-4 | .B \-6 | .B \-u ] [ .BI \-b " boundary-hops" ] [ .BI \-d " domain-number" ] [ .BI \-i " interface" ] [ .BI \-s " uds-address" ] [ .BI \-t " transport-specific-field" ] [ .B \-v ] [ .B \-z ] [ command ] ... .SH DESCRIPTION .B pmc is a program which implements a PTP management client according to IEEE standard 1588. The program reads from the standard input or from the command line actions specified by name and management ID, sends them over the selected transport and prints any received replies. There are three actions supported: .B GET retrieves the specified information, .B SET updates the specified information and .B CMD (or .BR COMMAND ) initiates the specified event. By default the management commands are addressed to all ports. The .B TARGET command can be used to select a particular clock and port for the subsequent messages. Command .B help can be used to get a list of supported actions and management IDs. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-2 Select the IEEE 802.3 network transport. .TP .B \-4 Select the UDP IPv4 network transport. This is the default transport. .TP .B \-6 Select the UDP IPv6 network transport. .TP .B \-u Select the Unix Domain Socket transport. .TP .BI \-b " boundary-hops" Specify the boundary hops value in sent messages. The default is 1. .TP .BI \-d " domain-number" Specify the domain number in sent messages. The default is 0. .TP .BI \-i " interface" Specify the network interface. The default is /var/run/pmc for the Unix Domain Socket transport and eth0 for the other transports. .TP .BI \-s " uds-address" Specifies the address of the server's UNIX domain socket. The default is /var/run/ptp4l. .TP .BI \-t " transport-specific-field" Specify the transport specific field in sent messages as a hexadecimal number. The default is 0x0. .TP .B \-h Display a help message. .TP .B \-v Prints the software version and exits. .TP .B \-z The official interpretation of the 1588 standard mandates sending GET actions with valid (but meaningless) TLV values. Therefore the pmc program normally sends GET requests with properly formed TLV values. This option enables the legacy option of sending zero length TLV values instead. .SH MANAGEMENT IDS .TP .B ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT .TP .B CLOCK_ACCURACY .TP .B CLOCK_DESCRIPTION .TP .B CURRENT_DATA_SET .TP .B DEFAULT_DATA_SET .TP .B DELAY_MECHANISM .TP .B DOMAIN .TP .B GRANDMASTER_SETTINGS_NP .TP .B LOG_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL .TP .B LOG_MIN_PDELAY_REQ_INTERVAL .TP .B LOG_SYNC_INTERVAL .TP .B NULL_MANAGEMENT .TP .B PARENT_DATA_SET .TP .B PORT_DATA_SET .TP .B PRIORITY1 .TP .B PRIORITY2 .TP .B SLAVE_ONLY .TP .B TIMESCALE_PROPERTIES .TP .B TIME_PROPERTIES_DATA_SET .TP .B TIME_STATUS_NP .TP .B TRACEABILITY_PROPERTIES .TP .B USER_DESCRIPTION .TP .B VERSION_NUMBER .SH SEE ALSO .BR ptp4l (8)