/** * @file timemaster.c * @brief Program to run NTP with PTP as reference clocks. * @note Copyright (C) 2014 Miroslav Lichvar * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "print.h" #include "sk.h" #include "util.h" #include "version.h" #define DEFAULT_RUNDIR "/var/run/timemaster" #define DEFAULT_FIRST_SHM_SEGMENT 0 #define DEFAULT_NTP_PROGRAM CHRONYD #define DEFAULT_NTP_MINPOLL 6 #define DEFAULT_NTP_MAXPOLL 10 #define DEFAULT_PTP_DELAY 1e-4 #define DEFAULT_PTP_NTP_POLL 2 #define DEFAULT_PTP_PHC2SYS_POLL 0 #define DEFAULT_CHRONYD_SETTINGS \ "makestep 1 3" #define DEFAULT_NTPD_SETTINGS \ "restrict default nomodify notrap nopeer noquery", \ "restrict", \ "restrict ::1" #define DEFAULT_PTP4L_OPTIONS "-l", "5" #define DEFAULT_PHC2SYS_OPTIONS "-l", "5" enum source_type { NTP_SERVER, PTP_DOMAIN, }; enum ntp_program { CHRONYD, NTPD, }; struct ntp_server { char *address; int minpoll; int maxpoll; int iburst; char *ntp_options; }; struct ptp_domain { int domain; int ntp_poll; int phc2sys_poll; double delay; char **interfaces; char **ptp4l_settings; char *ntp_options; }; struct source { enum source_type type; union { struct ntp_server ntp; struct ptp_domain ptp; }; }; struct program_config { char *path; char **options; char **settings; }; struct timemaster_config { struct source **sources; enum ntp_program ntp_program; char *rundir; int first_shm_segment; struct program_config chronyd; struct program_config ntpd; struct program_config phc2sys; struct program_config ptp4l; }; struct config_file { char *path; char *content; }; struct script { struct config_file **configs; char ***commands; }; static void free_parray(void **a) { void **p; for (p = a; *p; p++) free(*p); free(a); } static void extend_string_array(char ***a, char **strings) { char **s; for (s = strings; *s; s++) parray_append((void ***)a, xstrdup(*s)); } static void extend_config_string(char **s, char **lines) { for (; *lines; lines++) string_appendf(s, "%s\n", *lines); } static int parse_bool(char *s, int *b) { if (get_ranged_int(s, b, 0, 1) != PARSED_OK) return 1; return 0; } static int parse_int(char *s, int *i) { if (get_ranged_int(s, i, INT_MIN, INT_MAX) != PARSED_OK) return 1; return 0; } static int parse_double(char *s, double *d) { if (get_ranged_double(s, d, INT_MIN, INT_MAX) != PARSED_OK) return 1; return 0; } static char *parse_word(char *s) { while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++; while (*s && isspace(*s)) *(s++) = '\0'; return s; } static void parse_words(char *s, char ***a) { char *w; if (**a) { free_parray((void **)(*a)); *a = (char **)parray_new(); } while (*s) { w = s; s = parse_word(s); parray_append((void ***)a, xstrdup(w)); } } static void replace_string(char *s, char **str) { if (*str) free(*str); *str = xstrdup(s); } static char *parse_section_name(char *s) { char *s1, *s2; s1 = s + 1; for (s2 = s1; *s2 && *s2 != ']'; s2++) ; *s2 = '\0'; return xstrdup(s1); } static void parse_setting(char *s, char **name, char **value) { *name = s; for (*value = s; **value && !isspace(**value); (*value)++) ; for (; **value && !isspace(**value); (*value)++) ; for (; **value && isspace(**value); (*value)++) **value = '\0'; } static void source_destroy(struct source *source) { switch (source->type) { case NTP_SERVER: free(source->ntp.address); free(source->ntp.ntp_options); break; case PTP_DOMAIN: free_parray((void **)source->ptp.interfaces); free_parray((void **)source->ptp.ptp4l_settings); free(source->ptp.ntp_options); break; } free(source); } static struct source *source_ntp_parse(char *parameter, char **settings) { char *name, *value; struct source *source; int r = 0; if (!*parameter) { pr_err("missing address for ntp_server"); return NULL; } source = xmalloc(sizeof(*source)); source->type = NTP_SERVER; source->ntp.address = xstrdup(parameter); source->ntp.minpoll = DEFAULT_NTP_MINPOLL; source->ntp.maxpoll = DEFAULT_NTP_MAXPOLL; source->ntp.iburst = 0; source->ntp.ntp_options = xstrdup(""); for (; *settings; settings++) { parse_setting(*settings, &name, &value); if (!strcasecmp(name, "minpoll")) { r = parse_int(value, &source->ntp.minpoll); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "maxpoll")) { r = parse_int(value, &source->ntp.maxpoll); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "iburst")) { r = parse_bool(value, &source->ntp.iburst); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntp_options")) { replace_string(value, &source->ntp.ntp_options); } else { pr_err("unknown ntp_server setting %s", name); goto failed; } if (r) { pr_err("invalid value %s for %s", value, name); goto failed; } } return source; failed: source_destroy(source); return NULL; } static struct source *source_ptp_parse(char *parameter, char **settings) { char *name, *value; struct source *source; int r = 0; source = xmalloc(sizeof(*source)); source->type = PTP_DOMAIN; source->ptp.delay = DEFAULT_PTP_DELAY; source->ptp.ntp_poll = DEFAULT_PTP_NTP_POLL; source->ptp.phc2sys_poll = DEFAULT_PTP_PHC2SYS_POLL; source->ptp.interfaces = (char **)parray_new(); source->ptp.ptp4l_settings = (char **)parray_new(); source->ptp.ntp_options = xstrdup(""); if (parse_int(parameter, &source->ptp.domain)) { pr_err("invalid ptp_domain number %s", parameter); goto failed; } for (; *settings; settings++) { parse_setting(*settings, &name, &value); if (!strcasecmp(name, "delay")) { r = parse_double(value, &source->ptp.delay); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntp_poll")) { r = parse_int(value, &source->ptp.ntp_poll); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "phc2sys_poll")) { r = parse_int(value, &source->ptp.phc2sys_poll); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ptp4l_option")) { parray_append((void ***)&source->ptp.ptp4l_settings, xstrdup(value)); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntp_options")) { replace_string(value, &source->ptp.ntp_options); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "interfaces")) { parse_words(value, &source->ptp.interfaces); } else { pr_err("unknown ptp_domain setting %s", name); goto failed; } if (r) { pr_err("invalid value %s for %s", value, name); goto failed; } } if (!*source->ptp.interfaces) { pr_err("no interfaces specified for ptp_domain %d", source->ptp.domain); goto failed; } return source; failed: source_destroy(source); return NULL; } static int parse_program_settings(char **settings, struct program_config *config) { char *name, *value; for (; *settings; settings++) { parse_setting(*settings, &name, &value); if (!strcasecmp(name, "path")) { replace_string(value, &config->path); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "options")) { parse_words(value, &config->options); } else { pr_err("unknown program setting %s", name); return 1; } } return 0; } static int parse_timemaster_settings(char **settings, struct timemaster_config *config) { char *name, *value; int r = 0; for (; *settings; settings++) { parse_setting(*settings, &name, &value); if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntp_program")) { if (!strcasecmp(value, "chronyd")) { config->ntp_program = CHRONYD; } else if (!strcasecmp(value, "ntpd")) { config->ntp_program = NTPD; } else { pr_err("unknown ntp program %s", value); return 1; } } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "rundir")) { replace_string(value, &config->rundir); } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "first_shm_segment")) { r = parse_int(value, &config->first_shm_segment); } else { pr_err("unknown timemaster setting %s", name); return 1; } if (r) { pr_err("invalid value %s for %s", value, name); return 1; } } return 0; } static int parse_section(char **settings, char *name, struct timemaster_config *config) { struct source *source = NULL; char ***settings_dst = NULL; char *parameter = parse_word(name); if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntp_server")) { source = source_ntp_parse(parameter, settings); if (!source) return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ptp_domain")) { source = source_ptp_parse(parameter, settings); if (!source) return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "chrony.conf")) { settings_dst = &config->chronyd.settings; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntp.conf")) { settings_dst = &config->ntpd.settings; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ptp4l.conf")) { settings_dst = &config->ptp4l.settings; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "chronyd")) { if (parse_program_settings(settings, &config->chronyd)) return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ntpd")) { if (parse_program_settings(settings, &config->ntpd)) return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "phc2sys")) { if (parse_program_settings(settings, &config->phc2sys)) return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "ptp4l")) { if (parse_program_settings(settings, &config->ptp4l)) return 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name, "timemaster")) { if (parse_timemaster_settings(settings, config)) return 1; } else { pr_err("unknown section %s", name); return 1; } if (source) parray_append((void ***)&config->sources, source); if (settings_dst) { free_parray((void **)*settings_dst); *settings_dst = (char **)parray_new(); extend_string_array(settings_dst, settings); } return 0; } static void init_program_config(struct program_config *config, const char *name, ...) { const char *s; va_list ap; config->path = xstrdup(name); config->settings = (char **)parray_new(); config->options = (char **)parray_new(); va_start(ap, name); /* add default options and settings */ while ((s = va_arg(ap, const char *))) parray_append((void ***)&config->options, xstrdup(s)); while ((s = va_arg(ap, const char *))) parray_append((void ***)&config->settings, xstrdup(s)); va_end(ap); } static void free_program_config(struct program_config *config) { free(config->path); free_parray((void **)config->settings); free_parray((void **)config->options); } static void config_destroy(struct timemaster_config *config) { struct source **sources; for (sources = config->sources; *sources; sources++) source_destroy(*sources); free(config->sources); free_program_config(&config->chronyd); free_program_config(&config->ntpd); free_program_config(&config->phc2sys); free_program_config(&config->ptp4l); free(config->rundir); free(config); } static struct timemaster_config *config_parse(char *path) { struct timemaster_config *config = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*config)); FILE *f; char buf[4096], *line, *section_name = NULL; char **section_lines = NULL; int ret = 0; config->sources = (struct source **)parray_new(); config->ntp_program = DEFAULT_NTP_PROGRAM; config->rundir = xstrdup(DEFAULT_RUNDIR); config->first_shm_segment = DEFAULT_FIRST_SHM_SEGMENT; init_program_config(&config->chronyd, "chronyd", NULL, DEFAULT_CHRONYD_SETTINGS, NULL); init_program_config(&config->ntpd, "ntpd", NULL, DEFAULT_NTPD_SETTINGS, NULL); init_program_config(&config->phc2sys, "phc2sys", DEFAULT_PHC2SYS_OPTIONS, NULL, NULL); init_program_config(&config->ptp4l, "ptp4l", DEFAULT_PTP4L_OPTIONS, NULL, NULL); f = fopen(path, "r"); if (!f) { pr_err("failed to open %s: %m", path); free(config); return NULL; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), f)) { /* remove trailing and leading whitespace */ for (line = buf + strlen(buf) - 1; line >= buf && isspace(*line); line--) *line = '\0'; for (line = buf; *line && isspace(*line); line++) ; /* skip comments and empty lines */ if (!*line || *line == '#') continue; if (*line == '[') { /* parse previous section before starting another */ if (section_name) { if (parse_section(section_lines, section_name, config)) { ret = 1; break; } free_parray((void **)section_lines); free(section_name); } section_name = parse_section_name(line); section_lines = (char **)parray_new(); continue; } if (!section_lines) { pr_err("settings outside section"); ret = 1; break; } parray_append((void ***)§ion_lines, xstrdup(line)); } if (!ret && section_name && parse_section(section_lines, section_name, config)) { ret = 1; } fclose(f); if (section_name) free(section_name); if (section_lines) free_parray((void **)section_lines); if (ret) { config_destroy(config); return NULL; } return config; } static char **get_ptp4l_command(struct program_config *config, struct config_file *file, char **interfaces, int hw_ts) { char **command = (char **)parray_new(); parray_append((void ***)&command, xstrdup(config->path)); extend_string_array(&command, config->options); parray_extend((void ***)&command, xstrdup("-f"), xstrdup(file->path), xstrdup(hw_ts ? "-H" : "-S"), NULL); for (; *interfaces; interfaces++) parray_extend((void ***)&command, xstrdup("-i"), xstrdup(*interfaces), NULL); return command; } static char **get_phc2sys_command(struct program_config *config, int domain, int poll, int shm_segment, char *uds_path) { char **command = (char **)parray_new(); parray_append((void ***)&command, xstrdup(config->path)); extend_string_array(&command, config->options); parray_extend((void ***)&command, xstrdup("-a"), xstrdup("-r"), xstrdup("-R"), string_newf("%.2f", poll > 0 ? 1.0 / (1 << poll) : 1 << -poll), xstrdup("-z"), xstrdup(uds_path), xstrdup("-n"), string_newf("%d", domain), xstrdup("-E"), xstrdup("ntpshm"), xstrdup("-M"), string_newf("%d", shm_segment), NULL); return command; } static char *get_refid(char *prefix, unsigned int number) { if (number < 10) return string_newf("%.3s%u", prefix, number); else if (number < 100) return string_newf("%.2s%u", prefix, number); else if (number < 1000) return string_newf("%.1s%u", prefix, number); return NULL; }; static void add_shm_source(int shm_segment, int poll, int dpoll, double delay, char *ntp_options, char *prefix, struct timemaster_config *config, char **ntp_config) { char *refid = get_refid(prefix, shm_segment); switch (config->ntp_program) { case CHRONYD: string_appendf(ntp_config, "refclock SHM %d poll %d dpoll %d " "refid %s precision 1.0e-9 delay %.1e %s\n", shm_segment, poll, dpoll, refid, delay, ntp_options); break; case NTPD: string_appendf(ntp_config, "server 127.127.28.%d minpoll %d maxpoll %d " "mode 1 %s\n" "fudge 127.127.28.%d refid %s\n", shm_segment, poll, poll, ntp_options, shm_segment, refid); break; } free(refid); } static int add_ntp_source(struct ntp_server *source, char **ntp_config) { pr_debug("adding NTP server %s", source->address); string_appendf(ntp_config, "server %s minpoll %d maxpoll %d %s %s\n", source->address, source->minpoll, source->maxpoll, source->iburst ? "iburst" : "", source->ntp_options); return 0; } static int add_ptp_source(struct ptp_domain *source, struct timemaster_config *config, int *shm_segment, int ***allocated_phcs, char **ntp_config, struct script *script) { struct config_file *config_file; char **command, *uds_path, **interfaces; int i, j, num_interfaces, *phc, *phcs, hw_ts; struct sk_ts_info ts_info; pr_debug("adding PTP domain %d", source->domain); hw_ts = SOF_TIMESTAMPING_TX_HARDWARE | SOF_TIMESTAMPING_RX_HARDWARE | SOF_TIMESTAMPING_RAW_HARDWARE; for (num_interfaces = 0; source->interfaces[num_interfaces]; num_interfaces++) ; if (!num_interfaces) return 0; /* get PHCs used by specified interfaces */ phcs = xmalloc(num_interfaces * sizeof(int)); for (i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) { phcs[i] = -1; /* check if the interface has a usable PHC */ if (sk_get_ts_info(source->interfaces[i], &ts_info)) { pr_err("failed to get time stamping info for %s", source->interfaces[i]); free(phcs); return 1; } if (!ts_info.valid || ((ts_info.so_timestamping & hw_ts) != hw_ts)) { pr_debug("interface %s: no PHC", source->interfaces[i]); continue; } pr_debug("interface %s: PHC %d", source->interfaces[i], ts_info.phc_index); /* and the PHC isn't already used in another source */ for (j = 0; (*allocated_phcs)[j]; j++) { if (*(*allocated_phcs)[j] == ts_info.phc_index) { pr_debug("PHC %d already allocated", ts_info.phc_index); break; } } if (!(*allocated_phcs)[j]) phcs[i] = ts_info.phc_index; } for (i = 0; i < num_interfaces; i++) { /* skip if already used by ptp4l in this domain */ if (phcs[i] == -2) continue; interfaces = (char **)parray_new(); parray_append((void ***)&interfaces, source->interfaces[i]); /* merge all interfaces sharing PHC to one ptp4l command */ if (phcs[i] >= 0) { for (j = i + 1; j < num_interfaces; j++) { if (phcs[i] == phcs[j]) { parray_append((void ***)&interfaces, source->interfaces[j]); /* mark the interface as used */ phcs[j] = -2; } } /* don't use this PHC in other sources */ phc = xmalloc(sizeof(int)); *phc = phcs[i]; parray_append((void ***)allocated_phcs, phc); } uds_path = string_newf("%s/ptp4l.%d.socket", config->rundir, *shm_segment); config_file = xmalloc(sizeof(*config_file)); config_file->path = string_newf("%s/ptp4l.%d.conf", config->rundir, *shm_segment); config_file->content = xstrdup("[global]\n"); extend_config_string(&config_file->content, config->ptp4l.settings); extend_config_string(&config_file->content, source->ptp4l_settings); string_appendf(&config_file->content, "slaveOnly 1\n" "domainNumber %d\n" "uds_address %s\n", source->domain, uds_path); if (phcs[i] >= 0) { /* HW time stamping */ command = get_ptp4l_command(&config->ptp4l, config_file, interfaces, 1); parray_append((void ***)&script->commands, command); command = get_phc2sys_command(&config->phc2sys, source->domain, source->phc2sys_poll, *shm_segment, uds_path); parray_append((void ***)&script->commands, command); } else { /* SW time stamping */ command = get_ptp4l_command(&config->ptp4l, config_file, interfaces, 0); parray_append((void ***)&script->commands, command); string_appendf(&config_file->content, "clock_servo ntpshm\n" "ntpshm_segment %d\n", *shm_segment); } parray_append((void ***)&script->configs, config_file); add_shm_source(*shm_segment, source->ntp_poll, source->phc2sys_poll, source->delay, source->ntp_options, "PTP", config, ntp_config); (*shm_segment)++; free(uds_path); free(interfaces); } free(phcs); return 0; } static char **get_chronyd_command(struct program_config *config, struct config_file *file) { char **command = (char **)parray_new(); parray_append((void ***)&command, xstrdup(config->path)); extend_string_array(&command, config->options); parray_extend((void ***)&command, xstrdup("-n"), xstrdup("-f"), xstrdup(file->path), NULL); return command; } static char **get_ntpd_command(struct program_config *config, struct config_file *file) { char **command = (char **)parray_new(); parray_append((void ***)&command, xstrdup(config->path)); extend_string_array(&command, config->options); parray_extend((void ***)&command, xstrdup("-n"), xstrdup("-c"), xstrdup(file->path), NULL); return command; } static struct config_file *add_ntp_program(struct timemaster_config *config, struct script *script) { struct config_file *ntp_config = xmalloc(sizeof(*ntp_config)); char **command = NULL; ntp_config->content = xstrdup(""); switch (config->ntp_program) { case CHRONYD: extend_config_string(&ntp_config->content, config->chronyd.settings); ntp_config->path = string_newf("%s/chrony.conf", config->rundir); command = get_chronyd_command(&config->chronyd, ntp_config); break; case NTPD: extend_config_string(&ntp_config->content, config->ntpd.settings); ntp_config->path = string_newf("%s/ntp.conf", config->rundir); command = get_ntpd_command(&config->ntpd, ntp_config); break; } parray_append((void ***)&script->configs, ntp_config); parray_append((void ***)&script->commands, command); return ntp_config; } static void script_destroy(struct script *script) { char ***commands, **command; struct config_file *config, **configs; for (configs = script->configs; *configs; configs++) { config = *configs; free(config->path); free(config->content); free(config); } free(script->configs); for (commands = script->commands; *commands; commands++) { for (command = *commands; *command; command++) free(*command); free(*commands); } free(script->commands); free(script); } static struct script *script_create(struct timemaster_config *config) { struct script *script = xmalloc(sizeof(*script)); struct source *source, **sources; struct config_file *ntp_config = NULL; int **allocated_phcs = (int **)parray_new(); int ret = 0, shm_segment; script->configs = (struct config_file **)parray_new(); script->commands = (char ***)parray_new(); ntp_config = add_ntp_program(config, script); shm_segment = config->first_shm_segment; for (sources = config->sources; (source = *sources); sources++) { switch (source->type) { case NTP_SERVER: if (add_ntp_source(&source->ntp, &ntp_config->content)) ret = 1; break; case PTP_DOMAIN: if (add_ptp_source(&source->ptp, config, &shm_segment, &allocated_phcs, &ntp_config->content, script)) ret = 1; break; } } free_parray((void **)allocated_phcs); if (ret) { script_destroy(script); return NULL; } return script; } static pid_t start_program(char **command, sigset_t *mask) { char **arg, *s; pid_t pid; #ifdef HAVE_POSIX_SPAWN posix_spawnattr_t attr; if (posix_spawnattr_init(&attr)) { pr_err("failed to init spawn attributes: %m"); return 0; } if (posix_spawnattr_setsigmask(&attr, mask) || posix_spawnattr_setflags(&attr, POSIX_SPAWN_SETSIGMASK) || posix_spawnp(&pid, command[0], NULL, &attr, command, environ)) { pr_err("failed to spawn %s: %m", command[0]); posix_spawnattr_destroy(&attr); return 0; } posix_spawnattr_destroy(&attr); #else pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { pr_err("fork() failed: %m"); return 0; } if (!pid) { /* restore the signal mask */ if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, mask, NULL) < 0) { pr_err("sigprocmask() failed: %m"); exit(100); } execvp(command[0], (char **)command); pr_err("failed to execute %s: %m", command[0]); exit(101); } #endif for (s = xstrdup(""), arg = command; *arg; arg++) string_appendf(&s, "%s ", *arg); pr_info("process %d started: %s", pid, s); free(s); return pid; } static int create_config_files(struct config_file **configs) { struct config_file *config; FILE *file; char *tmp, *dir; struct stat st; for (; (config = *configs); configs++) { tmp = xstrdup(config->path); dir = dirname(tmp); if (stat(dir, &st) < 0 && errno == ENOENT && mkdir(dir, 0755) < 0) { pr_err("failed to create %s: %m", dir); free(tmp); return 1; } free(tmp); pr_debug("creating %s", config->path); file = fopen(config->path, "w"); if (!file) { pr_err("failed to open %s: %m", config->path); return 1; } if (fwrite(config->content, strlen(config->content), 1, file) != 1) { pr_err("failed to write to %s", config->path); fclose(file); return 1; } fclose(file); } return 0; } static int remove_config_files(struct config_file **configs) { struct config_file *config; for (; (config = *configs); configs++) { pr_debug("removing %s", config->path); if (unlink(config->path)) pr_err("failed to remove %s: %m", config->path); } return 0; } static int script_run(struct script *script) { sigset_t mask, old_mask; siginfo_t info; pid_t pid, *pids; int i, num_commands, status, ret = 0; for (num_commands = 0; script->commands[num_commands]; num_commands++) ; if (!num_commands) { /* nothing to do */ return 0; } if (create_config_files(script->configs)) return 1; sigemptyset(&mask); sigaddset(&mask, SIGCHLD); sigaddset(&mask, SIGTERM); sigaddset(&mask, SIGQUIT); sigaddset(&mask, SIGINT); /* block the signals */ if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &mask, &old_mask) < 0) { pr_err("sigprocmask() failed: %m"); return 1; } pids = xcalloc(num_commands, sizeof(*pids)); for (i = 0; i < num_commands; i++) { pids[i] = start_program(script->commands[i], &old_mask); if (!pids[i]) { kill(getpid(), SIGTERM); break; } } /* wait for one of the blocked signals */ while (1) { if (sigwaitinfo(&mask, &info) < 0) { if (errno == EINTR) continue; pr_err("sigwaitinfo() failed: %m"); break; } /* * assume only the first process (i.e. chronyd or ntpd) is * essential and continue if other processes terminate */ if (info.si_signo == SIGCHLD && info.si_pid != pids[0]) { pr_info("process %d terminated (ignored)", info.si_pid); continue; } pr_info("received signal %d", info.si_signo); break; } /* kill all started processes */ for (i = 0; i < num_commands; i++) { if (pids[i] > 0) { pr_debug("killing process %d", pids[i]); kill(pids[i], SIGTERM); } } while ((pid = wait(&status)) >= 0) { if (!WIFEXITED(status)) { pr_info("process %d terminated abnormally", pid); ret = 1; } else { if (WEXITSTATUS(status)) ret = 1; pr_info("process %d terminated with status %d", pid, WEXITSTATUS(status)); } } free(pids); if (remove_config_files(script->configs)) return 1; return ret; } static void script_print(struct script *script) { char ***commands, **command; struct config_file *config, **configs; for (configs = script->configs; *configs; configs++) { config = *configs; fprintf(stderr, "%s:\n\n%s\n", config->path, config->content); } fprintf(stderr, "commands:\n\n"); for (commands = script->commands; *commands; commands++) { for (command = *commands; *command; command++) fprintf(stderr, "%s ", *command); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } } static void usage(char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s [options] -f file\n\n" " -f file specify path to configuration file\n" " -n only print generated files and commands\n" " -l level set logging level (6)\n" " -m print messages to stdout\n" " -q do not print messages to syslog\n" " -v print version and exit\n" " -h print this message and exit\n", progname); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct timemaster_config *config; struct script *script; char *progname, *config_path = NULL; int c, ret = 0, log_stdout = 0, log_syslog = 1, dry_run = 0; progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/'); progname = progname ? progname + 1 : argv[0]; print_set_progname(progname); print_set_verbose(1); print_set_syslog(0); while (EOF != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "f:nl:mqvh"))) { switch (c) { case 'f': config_path = optarg; break; case 'n': dry_run = 1; break; case 'l': print_set_level(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'm': log_stdout = 1; break; case 'q': log_syslog = 0; break; case 'v': version_show(stdout); return 0; case 'h': usage(progname); return 0; default: usage(progname); return 1; } } if (!config_path) { pr_err("no configuration file specified"); return 1; } config = config_parse(config_path); if (!config) return 1; script = script_create(config); config_destroy(config); if (!script) return 1; print_set_verbose(log_stdout); print_set_syslog(log_syslog); if (dry_run) script_print(script); else ret = script_run(script); script_destroy(script); if (!dry_run) pr_info("exiting"); return ret; }