Unless otherwise stated, the source code distributed with this book can be redistributed in source or binary form so long as an acknowledgment appears in derived source files. The citation should list that the code comes from BOOK by AUTHOR, published by O'Reilly & Associates. This code is under copyright and cannot be included in any other book, publication, or educational product without permission from O'Reilly & Associates. No warranty is attached; we cannot take responsibility for errors or fitness for use. There are a few exception to this licence, however: a few sources herein are distributed according to the GNU General Public License, version 2. You'll find a copy of the license in /usr/src/linux/COPYING, and in other places in your filesystem. The affected source files are: pci/pci_skel.c tty/tiny_serial.c tty/tiny_tty.c usb/usb-skeleton.c The files in ./pci ./tty and ./usb inherit the GPL from the kernel sources, as most of their code comes straight from the kernel (usb-skeleton.c being part of the kernel source tree directly.)